Ramin Karimloo playing the Phantom of the Opera in the stage musical

12 of Literature’s Greatest Antiheroes and Antiheroines, and Where to Find Them

Meet 12 compelling antiheroes and antiheroines from classic literature. You may love to hate them, grudgingly admire them, or shamelessly judge them. Regardless, they’ll have you turning pages to find out how their stories end. Antiheroes are some of the most fascinating protagonists you’ll come across in Bookland, and literature is full of them. That…

Indie-pop musician Méabh Stanford

Music Inspired By Literature: A Conversation with Méabh Stanford

Indie pop singer-songwriter Méabh Stanford creates music that bookworms will appreciate. Drawing inspiration from literature and tying it to real-life experiences, her music reflects the intricacies of human interactions and the influence media has upon them. I recently had the chance to meet (via the internet) singer-songwriter Méabh Stanford. Méabh is 16 and a full-time…

Book pages around a "do not enter" sign

Banned Books Week: Yay or Nay?

Banned Books Week gets national recognition each year. But is book censorship really a national issue? Here’s one book blogger’s take on Banned Books Week and the hype surrounding it. Banned Books Week: It’s Not What You Think The last week of September usually marks the annual Banned Books Week, founded in 1982 and promoted…

Examples of terrible classic book covers

Terrible Book Covers: Hilariously Bad Book Covers of Your Favourite Classic Novels

When you need a good laugh, check out these cringe-worthy, terrible book covers for literary classics! These are good books with bad covers; the classics like you’ve never seen…or read! Terrible Book Covers for Classic Novels Publishers–and individuals–are constantly churning out new editions of the classics. Many classics are in the public domain, so anyone…

I love reading mystery stories, but I take issue with some of them. Here's where the mystery genre gets problematic.

Solving the Mystery: What I Love and Hate about this Enduring Literary Genre

There’s a lot to love about the mystery genre, but sometimes mystery novels and detective fiction can be pretty problematic, too. Here’s where this genre flourishes, and where it fails. Thoughts on the Mystery Genre Guest post by Katherine Ladny Mitchell The first time I read a yellow-bound Nancy Drew novel, it was not love…

These are some of the strongest female characters in literature! I want to be like all of them!

If I Could Be Like My Favourite Literary Heroines, This Is the Kind of Person I’d Be

The best literary heroines are worth imitating. These women may be (mostly) fictional, but they have a great deal to teach us about ourselves and the real-life stories we find ourselves in. Classic Literary Heroines Worth Emulating Some people gobble up self help and development books like their personal success really does depend on it….

10 Memorable Literary Friendships that Will Inspire You to Be a Better Friend

10 Memorable Literary Friendships that Will Inspire You to Be a Better Friend

These famous literary friendships from classic books show us what it looks like to be a true friend in our own real-world relationships. Here you’ll find strong female friendships in literature, unlikely duos, and famous literary trios. Why not read these books about friendship with your own bestie? It’s always fun to discuss a book after you read it, especially if it’s with a kindred spirit!