QUIZ: How well do you know these famous first lines from classic books?

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Can you guess these famous first lines from classic books? Take this first lines from books quiz to see how many first sentences you know! I’ll give you the opening line from a classic novel, and you identify which book it comes from.

Can you guess these famous first lines from classic books? Take the literary quiz to find out! I'll give you the opening line from a classic novel, and you identify which book it comes from! #bookworm

Famous First Lines from Books Quiz

As a book lover, it brings me great delight that I’m married to another book lover. One of the nerdy things we like to do is quiz each other on quotes from books, especially the opening lines. It just feels good to test your literary prowess…especially when it’s against someone who also takes pride in their literary prowess!

I’m banking on the fact that if you’re reading this, you are probably somewhat of a book nerd yourself. Ergo, you may enjoy the challenge of testing your literary knowledge! I’ve prepared a little quiz for you on famous first lines from books. See how many of these iconic first lines you know…or make an educated guess for the ones you don’t!

There are three possible levels you can achieve, based on how many book titles and first lines you match correctly. Click the red “Start Quiz” button to begin. When you reach the end of the quiz, you can click the green “Play Again” button if you’d like to give it another go!

Open page of a novel

How well do you know these first lines from classic books? (Or how many can you guess??) Test your literary prowess with this quiz!

Complete the form below to see results

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  1. I chose a good reading challenge for myself this year – to read more classics. I obviously need it by how I scored on this quiz! 🙂 Very fun post!

  2. This was fun! As terribly as I scored on it, I’m glad I’ve already been reading more classics! Eesh! I’m currently reading A Falcon for a Queen by Catherine Gaskin

    1. I love classics! I haven’t read anything by Catherine Gaskin, but from poking around, she looks like an interesting author!

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